Scroll it

Scroll it application suggests the bad habits of contemporary digital society, pointing out ironically the automated and unconscious action of moving a finger, browsing internet pages most often on a mobile phone (in a modern language called scrolling). Time spent in the digital world of the Internet and social networks affects a person’s physical and mental life, changing his perception and attitude towards reality.
A meditative place created within the gallery space, with an electronic device from which the application can be accessed, allows the user to communicate with the space itself, the environment, and other people around.
Scroll it offers tasks and a scoring system: the more you scroll, the higher result you get. After a certain number of points, you get a bonus, one piece of information created by a random fact generator. In this way, this application represents a kind of prototype of a digital tool that makes the time spent on devices more creative.

View of Exhibition/End of language:Wittgenstein re-imagined, Gallery-Legacy of Milica Zorić & Rodoljub Čolaković, Belgrade (RS), 2024.

View of Exhibition/Youth Biennial, Art Pavilion Cvijeta Zuzorić, Belgrade (RS), 2021.