Pink, and red
Solo exhibition, SULUV Gallery, Novi Sad, 2019.
Photography: Uroš Dozić
Pink, and red opens up an insight into the contemporary materialization processes as well as in the issues of originality originating in the emergence of digital technologies. The author examines the relationship of the digital and traditional painting process, materialization of the digital, and examines what the original is and how do we recognize the original?
In the digital image, the trace of the body is missing, indicating a different image creation process than in traditional painting. Also, using digital media such as a TV screen and digital printing on different printers, the works examine the possibilities of materialization and reproduction capabilities. The author for the basis takes a digital sketch which reproduces in different media to point to an elusive original in the contemporary age.
Pink,and Red / Association of Fine Artists of Vojvodina
Pink,and Red / View of exhibition
Untitled (Pink,and Red)
Digital print on paper
42 x 29,7 cm each example
Untitled (Pink,and Red)
JPEG file format
42 x 29,7 cm
Untitled (Pink,and Red)
JPEG file format
42 x 29,7 cm
Untitled (Pink,and Red)
Acrylic on canvas
160 x 130 cm
Untitled (Pink,and Red)
Acrylic on canvas
160 x 130 cm
Untitled (Pink,and Red)
One way vision print
321 x 414 cm